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n. 1 Any of the subfamily Heliconiinae of butterfly. 2 A falcon of a particular class used in falconry.


Longwing may refer to:

  • Heliconiinae, a subfamily of brush-footed butterflies commonly called the longwings
  • a class of falcons used in falconry
  • one of several breeds of British dragons in the alternative-history fantasy series Temeraire by Naomi Novik
  • Longwing brogues, a kind of shoe

Usage examples of "longwing".

He saw at once that the maneuver gave the Longwing the greatest sweep over the ground during the pass while retaining the protection of the rest of the wing around it.

The two of them together will serve as a loose backing arc for Lily’s formation—that is the Longwing there.

It was cruel to ask it of her, but of course Longwings could not be spared.

Having rounded up what he already thought of as his cadets, Laurence came out to the courtyard to take the waiting Temeraire down, and found him talking with the female Longwing whose formation they would be joining.

Temeraire’s lookouts were all calling out and pointing to the south, and when Laurence looked over his shoulder he saw ten dragons flying towards them at great speed, British signals flashing out from the Longwing in the lead.

She could not easily have been spared from her duties, and in any case she could not come to the Admiralty openly, being a female officer, one of those whose existence was made necessary by the insistence of Longwings on female captains.

But command in the Corps had to follow the capabilities of the dragons, and a rare acid-spitter like one of the Longwings was too valuable to place anywhere but the center of a formation, even if they would only accept female handlers.

And he cannot mean to invade by air again, not with three Longwings stationed in the Channel now.