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a. (alternative spelling of long-sighted English)

  1. adj. capable of seeing to a great distance [syn: eagle-eyed, keen-sighted, farseeing]

  2. planning prudently for the future; "large goals that required farsighted policies"; "took a long view of the geopolitical issues" [syn: farseeing, farsighted, foresighted, foresightful, long]

Usage examples of "longsighted".

The queen had turned sunward and Menolly, for all her eyes were very longsighted, could barely pick out that black mote and trailing cluster.

Fatty wished he had a small telescope or longsighted glasses so that he could look more closely at the rubber heel.

Then they announced that the Hague Convention really ought to be more longsighted, covering not only opium but also cocaine.

He was not longsighted enough, and he did not see as a whole even what was within his range of vision.

He had longsighted grey eyes distorted by the thick lenses of his gold-rimmed glasses.