Crossword clues for longleg
Longleg is a 1990 novel by Australian author Glenda Adams.
Usage examples of "longleg".
DantleDantle Longleg, not Dantle Squint at the other end of the boroughhad a sow who snored just the same way while she slept under the wagon shelter beside the sheepfold.
He was delighted, on the other hand, by a woman relating the story of her daughter running into the parlor after finding a daddy longlegs on her pillow.
At least a dozen daddy longlegs were arranged along the bottom of the cool porcelain tub, quiet, quivering when the light blared on and her shadow fell.
Across the aisle, the giant daddy longlegs was quietly climbing the wall.
Above them, like a broken umbrella in a high wind, the daddy longlegs whirled off, looking for a dark place to hide.
She was longlegged and given to angular positions, and she had durable good looks.