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n. (taxlink Lepomis megalotis species noshow=1)'', a colourful freshwater sunfish with an elongated opercular flap.


Usage examples of "longear".

Moons damn his weakness, but it had been Longear who had imprisoned Namina in the first place.

It had been Longear, too, who had convinced his father that the Ariyens plotted against the Lloroi.

And Longear would have waited until they made each other weak, and then would have taken everything.

How could she ignore what it meant to have Longear hanging onto his back, choking him with her advice?

He would see Longear and force her, just once, to give him something of his own.

He had not authorized any such squalor, and only Longear could tell the troops or raiders what to do.

He could not put his finger on it, but he would bet on the second moon that Longear would give him a bonus if he kept this one for her.

There was no way in all the nine hells that Dion would give Longear a chance to cross the river with the others.

She slammed Longear against the cliff face and ground one of her hands into the stone.

She stared at Longear, her jaw trembling from the force with which she ground her teeth.

Dion ignored him, slamming Longear into a hole in the columns, her chest heaving, her eyes dark with fury.

Verty took his weary way westward through the splendid autumn woods, gazing with his dreamy Indian expression on the variegated leaves, listening to the far cries of birds, and speaking at times to Longears and Wolf, his two deer hounds.

Verty then placed his foot upon Longears, made a gesture with his hand, and Longears showed himself equally docile.

But Verty was intently watching Longears, who was trying to insert his nose between two bars of the garden gate.

Redbud blushed, and continued to caress Longears, who submitted to this ceremony with great equanimity.