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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Long-winded \Long"-wind"ed\, a.

  1. Long-breathed; hence, tediously long in speaking; consuming much time; as, a long-winded talker.

    A tedious, long-winded harangue.

  2. using or containing too many words; as, long-winded (or windy) speakers.

    Syn: tedious, verbose, windy, wordy. [WordNet 1.5] -- Long"-wind"ed*ness, n.


n. The use of more words than are necessary for clarity or precision; verbosity, prolixity.


n. boring verboseness [syn: prolixity, prolixness, wordiness]

Usage examples of "long-windedness".

A fault of his more serious efforts is that diffuseness and long-windedness which results from an excessively elaborate attempt, under the handicap of a somewhat bald and journalistic style devoid of intrinsic magic, colour, and vitality, to visualise precise sensations and nuances of uncanny suggestion.