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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Whatever transpired between the two long-time friends must be really serious.
▪ Roy Barraclough, a long-time friend and colleague, joked with Mr Dawson less than 24 hours before his death.
▪ Encourage long-time employees to take early-retirement.
▪ My husband and I are biologists and long-time farmers in your area.
▪ The general tendency among long-time employees, said the study, is not to think of leaving.
▪ Trading in works of art needs a deep purse and long-time backing.
▪ Windsor played the long-time head of a boys' secondary school swallowed up by a grammar school to form a comprehensive.

Usage examples of "long-time".

In reply, it may be said that the expense will decrease steadily, when segregation is viewed as a long-time investment, because the number of future wards of the state of any particular type will be decreasing every year.

Senate Building were permeated with fear these days, and Herm had observed long-time allies eyeing one another suspiciously.

Twice she told Parian to send away men who came to him seeking shelter, and one of them was a long-time comrade he would have trusted.

Wheatly sat on the big sofa, mostly ignoring the mug of coffee Vidalia had insisted someone bring him, while other officers, Jimmy Corona and his long-time partner, fellow former Chicago cop Colby Benton among them, were upstairs, doing whatever it was cops did in cases like this.

Sharpe stared in horror at his long-time enemy and Obadiah Hakeswill caught his eye and grinned maliciously and Sharpe knew that his appearance boded no good.

Stuart Shaw, a long-time Dornoch member who has won tournaments in the north, has a similar swing a century later.

She was partnered by men she knew, men she had never met before, old men, young men, long-time Charlestonians, visiting guests, Charlestonians who lived in many other places but always came home for the Saint Cecilia.

The exact words escaped him, but hadn't Dacres been speaking as if to long-time acquaintances?

The exact words escaped him, but hadn't Dacres been speaking as if to long-time acquaintances?

The gray-haired man, Downing told him, was a long-time friend and business associate of Zearsdale.

I've just returned from Benning, having conferred with my good friend and long-time comrade in arms, General Ethelred Brokemichael, your commander.

And as a long-time reader of Andrew Lang, let me say I personally resent that use of a perfectly good old Anglo-Saxon word.

Henry, long-time pal, general large-scale junk dealer, had acquired two big tops from a bankrupt travelling circus and would rent them out to me from time to time to enclose any thoroughly gutted ruin I wanted to shield from the weather.

Because of her long-time marriage to the former Viceroy, the dignified woman still paid close attention to politics and current events, studying the real-world implications of the Jihad rather than just the esoteric moral questions that fascinated the Cogitor Kwyna.

The defeat of the baby-farming lobby removes a long-time stigma from the fair brow of the Junior-but-One State - a congenital stigma, one may say, since the J-but-O State's accession to hoodness coincided almost to the day with the first eugenic legislation concerned with haemophilia, phenylketonuria and congenital imbecility .