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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He could not understand the familiarity of the elderly stranger, who gazed at him with the pride of a long-lost brother.
▪ His long-lost cousin was a bit of a shock.
▪ Grow a long-lost cousin in Missouri, or something.
▪ Later on, backstage, I am greeted with enthusiasm, as if I were a long-lost friend or something.
▪ But she was looking at me as if we were long-lost friends.
▪ a long-lost uncle
▪ An ancient apple tree in the clearing has delicious, tart yellow apples of a long-lost variety.
▪ But Katrinka is sustained by her search for her long-lost son, and a wardrobe a Vegas showgirl could kill for.
▪ But to her surprise the patron and his very large, round-faced wife greeted him like a long-lost son.
▪ His long-lost cousin was a bit of a shock.
▪ I felt like Father Christmas as I entered the front door of the cottage to be welcomed like a long-lost son.
▪ Later on, backstage, I am greeted with enthusiasm, as if I were a long-lost friend or something.
▪ The bodies of successive generations transport them through time, so that a long-lost character may emerge in a distant descendant.
▪ The two girls decide instead to opt for a frantic search for their long-lost father.

a. Having been missing or unknown for a protracted period of time. alt. Having been missing or unknown for a protracted period of time.

Usage examples of "long-lost".

Two out of the five Indian kids she studied read as if they could be long-lost kin to the pure-white Bubblehead Burnside.

He and Kimberley greeted each other like long-lost friends and Wilson experienced a slight twinge of jealousy as he watched them hug each other.

Solomon pursued his march to the west, the long-lost province of Mauritanian Sitifi was again annexed to the Roman empire.

When we entered the huge room, dressed in his garish cloak, tiny, bald-headed, long-featured, dark-eyed and porcelain-white, twirling the wand of his cane, Mister Snaith was a changed miniature wizard from some long-lost Age.

Acclimatisation -- Correlation of growth -- Compensation and economy of growth -- False correlations -- Multiple, rudimentary, and lowly organised structures variable -- Parts developed in an unusual manner are highly variable: specific characters more variable than generic: secondary sexual characters variable -- Species of the same genus vary in an analogous manner -- Reversions to long-lost characters -- Summary.

I keep parading long-lost granddaughters around here, maybe they will be able to lock me up.

Ike Ironic from grief-stricken and, perhaps, guiltridden Fifth Avenue in the city of New York, where he lived like a stranger, but has died like a long-lost son.

He wanted to believe that there would be friendly Indigenes just beyond these woods who would convey him obligingly to Ludbrek House, where he would be greeted like a long-lost brother, taken in and bathed and fed and sheltered, and after a time sent on his way by private flier to his home in Helikis.

In both varieties and species reversions to long-lost characters occur.

Anyway, Sean Penn is this pumped-up lowlife going nowhere in a nowhere town until one day he discovers his long-lost father, Christopher Walken, acting even weirder than usual, is this cool criminal type he can really look up to because what else is he gonna do with an eighth grade education and a constipated strut and these ridiculous biceps swelling out of his T-shirt like Sunday hams?

But by and by, when about all the pilots had arrived who were in town, Stephen suddenly appeared in the midst, and rushed for Yates as for a long-lost brother.

The special agent, who possessed the expertise of an antiquities scholar, immediately recognized the photo supplied by the cleaning lady as the long-lost Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo.

I'm sure you areyou can only bemy little long-lost cousin from the States.

So many days of separate carceral isolation had made them as happy to see each other as long-lost siblings.

The cops were watching him, probably to see if he was going to throw up, but the wave of nausea passed, replaced by a pang of long-lost familial hurt, the kind of hurt he had not experienced since watching the news tapes of those federal bastards cremating his son at Waco.