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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
long-lasting razor blades
▪ He quickly angered countless officials, and his haughty presence sparked a long-lasting feud with Arizona Sen.
▪ However, physical appearance and intellect are insufficient foundation for effective long-lasting relationships.
▪ In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature.
▪ It can be one of the most helpful and long-lasting things that a friend can do.
▪ The isotopes give off long-lasting alpha radiation and the waste will remain dangerous for 3000 years or more.
▪ The microscopic particles bond themselves to metal surfaces, providing long-lasting lubrication.
▪ The report focussed particularly on universities which were constructed at a time when long-lasting buildings were not a priority.
▪ This was quite normal, and their professor had said there was no cure, but no long-lasting effect either.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

long-lasting \long-lasting\ adj. Existing or persisting for a long time; as, a long-lasting friendship.

Syn: durable, lasting, long-lived.


a. persisting or enduring for a long time.


adj. existing for a long time; "hopes for a durable peace"; "a long-lasting friendship" [syn: durable, lasting, long-lived]

Usage examples of "long-lasting".

Couple of the long-lasting phenobarb suppositories, some Triavil, maybe some Valium mixed in, to keep the muscles relaxed.

When they then stimulated the perforant pathway with a train of electrical impulses, at the rate of 10-100 per second for up to 10 seconds, they found an extraordinarily long-lasting increase in the firing of the hippocampal neurons of the dentate gyrus, persisting for up to ten hours.

There is something about having an established family, a long-lasting spousal arrangement, three daughters in their teens, a house in the country, a suggestion of impermeability, that draws the curiosity of others so that they can, as Tom says, probe with probity.

Bliss, T V P, and L0mo, T Long-lasting potentiation of synaptic transmission in the dentate area of the anaesthetised rabbit following stimulation of the perforant path.

We extend to them our sympathies, as well as our wishes for auspicious and long-lasting bindings in the near future.

It remains extraordinary, though, that with a brain of only 950,000 neurons - less than a thousandth of those in the human retina - bees can learn colours, textures and smells as well as motor skills, and when set appropriate tasks can show most of the features of conditioning, associative and non-associative learning and relatively long-lasting memory found by mammalian psychologists in organisms with many-fold larger brains.

And then, several months later, after the Sundays of Advent, after Christmas, after New Year's, after snow, thaw, more snow, long-lasting snow, after the beginning of spring and the distribution of Easter report cards -- everybody was promoted -- after a period in which nothing happened -- unless I should mention the accident in the machine shop: the apprentice Hotten Scherwinski lost the middle finger and index finger of his left hand to the buzz saw -- came the registered letter announcing, over the signature of Gauleiter Forster, that the shepherd puppy Prinz of the litter Falko, Kastor, Bodo, Mira, Prinz -- out of Thekla of Schüddelkau, breeder A.

Armed with a culturally conditioned set of durational expectancies, we have all learned to invest with emotional content those relationships that appear to us to be "permanent" or relatively long-lasting, while withholding emotion, as much as possible, from short-term relationships.

When the sawdust had been washed away, and the blue-green cakes were stored in icehouses along the riverfront, Captain Lightfoot produced an object which was to cause as much long-lasting trouble as the golden apple that Paris was required to award to the most beautiful goddess.

These examples illustrate the broad range of questions concerning cultural idiosyncrasies, unrelated to environment and initially of little significance, that might evolve into influential and long-lasting cultural features.

There is something about having an established family, a long-lasting spousal arrangement, three daughters in their teens, a house in the country, a suggestion of impermeability, that draws the curiosity of others so that they can, as Tom says, probe with probity.

And then in his reckoning he had to allow for the curious North Sea indraught, irregular variation of the compass, the lack of observations, and the absence of a chronometer, so that what was ordinarily a simple routine passage became a long-lasting anxious test of navigation by instinct, with the devil to pay if his guess proved wrong.

Ford's conclusion may violate our ideal of pride in workmanship, but it made economic sense: he had indeed been wasting money on long-lasting kingpins that outlasted the cars in which they were installed.

The three banner-spines and the ventral spine carry a toxin so lethal and so long-lasting that the dried spine of a deathangel can kill a victim weeks afterward, if the poison sac at the ventral side of the spine is intact.

Most poisons are virtually useless against the sealed egg cases, unless they are long-lasting enough to endure until the eggs hatch, or are administered repeatedly.