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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lombardic \Lom*bar"dic\, a. Of or pertaining to Lombardy of the Lombards.

Lombardic alphabet, the ancient alphabet derived from the Roman, and employed in the manuscript of Italy.

Lombardic architecture, the debased Roman style of architecture as found in parts of Northern Italy.
--F. G. Lee.

Lombardy poplar. (Bot.) See Poplar.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1690s, from Lombard + -ic.

Usage examples of "lombardic".

Lombardic or Lombardesque was certainly the most peculiar, and is perhaps the most difficult to read.

It was the form also usually chosen for ornamentation or imitation in those Visigothic, Merovingian, or Lombardic MSS.

Roman uncial, as it is in Irish and Lombardic, or, we might say, everywhere else.

It was the presence of Paul Warnefrid that accounts for much of the classic and most of the Lombardic features, both of the writing and the illumination.

Saxon origin, the classical foliages and manner of painting the figures and certain ideas of design Lombardic, strengthened by direct contact with the sources of the latter style.