Logosophy is an ethical-philosophical doctrine developed by the Argentine humanist and thinker Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche, which offers teachings of conceptual order and practices that lead oneself to self-cognition and self-improvement through a process of conscious evolution.
Logosophy argues that the thoughts are autonomous and independent of one's individual will, and that they are born and fulfill their function under the influence of the moral or psychic states of their owner or someone else. Its purpose is to free the mental faculties of suggestive influences, allowing the human being to think freely and understand the true objectives of life.
Logosophy presents itself as a new and conclusive science, which reveals a method and a set of disciplines of its own, with the purpose of leading man to the knowledge of his own self, of the Universe, and its eternal laws. It also presents itself as a new way of feeling and conceiving life, since it presents a new conception of humanity, human psychic and mental organization, and the human life in its broadest possibilities and proportions.
Its name is the combination of the Greek word "logos" and " sophia", which the author has adopted as meaning Creative Word or Manifestation of the Supreme Knowledge, and Original Science or Wisdom, respectively, to denote "a new line of cognitions, a doctrine, a method and a technique which are eminently its own".
Logosophy was created in 1930, with the creation of the first Logosophical Foundation in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.