adv. 1 Regarding or using logistics 2 Regarding or using symbolic logic
Usage examples of "logistically".
The lack of intermediate Earthward stations, since the dismantling of the Hinder Star bases, made the spread of the war logistically unlikely, but Mazian had failed to prevent it from spreading all across the Beyond.
GBS would require that the JIM divers be dispatched from a modified hatch on the Hawkbill logistically very difficult but not impossible.
Bangs had been nearly accurate when he said that the distribution was logistically unsupportable, but he and the rest of the staff were thinking linearly.
Once again, there was no assessment of risks or costs--nor were the Iraqi forces logistically prepared to mount an offensive across the breadth of the Syrian desert to reach Damascus or other Syrian population centers.
And without use of Turkish territory and airspace, we could not logistically support Kurdish operations against the Iraqi regime.
You forget we have had a great deal of time to prepare for this mission, both diplomatically and logistically.