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n. (context nonstandard English) (plural of loaf English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: loaf)

Usage examples of "loafs".

Jesus says to the man, 'Take these ten coins and buy twelve loafs of bread, five jugs of wine, four fish, and one bag of a grain.

At the bakery he buys twelve loafs of bread, but as he places them on the donkey, when he is not looking, they change to twenty-four loafs.

For days his group loafs and makes war on the rats, rats so voracious they devoured two cats and a dog in an adjoining sector.

He sailed all the way over the trees an landed right in the middle of the lake where Jesus was doin his loafs an fishes thing.

It was filled with white cakes shaped like small loafs of bread but formed of a substance Rosvita did not recognize.

Maybe he's just a man who hunts wild game, plants a few crops, herds sheep or loafs around the village .

To show their appreciation and goodwill, the Germans threw loafs of bread into the crowd.