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The Collaborative International Dictionary
line of shadows

Quadrat \Quad"rat\, n. [F. quadrat, cadrat. See Quadrate.]

  1. (Print.) A block of type metal lower than the letters, -- used in spacing and in blank lines. [Abbrev. quad.]

  2. An old instrument used for taking altitudes; -- called also geometrical square, and line of shadows.

Usage examples of "line of shadows".

A line of shadows appeared on the stairway of the Croagh, stooped and shrouded in the fading half-light of the late afternoon.

Finally a line of shadows emerged from the dusk, winding down over the crest of the rise fronting the clearing-a single wagon with horses in trace and half a dozen riders in tow.

Arr was beginning to fear that her plan had failed when a jagged line of shadows began to appear in the steam ahead.

Lunzie followed suit, admiring the line of shadows that dappled the strong muscles of his shoulders.