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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Licit \Lic"it\ (l[i^]s"[i^]t), a. [L. licitus permitted, lawful, from licere: cf. F. licite. See License.] Lawful. ``Licit establishments.''
--Carlyle. -- Lic"it*ly, adv. -- Lic"it*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 15c., from Middle French licite or directly from Latin licitus "lawful," past participle of licere "be allowed, be lawful" (see licence). Related: Licitly; licitness.\n


a. 1 Not forbidden by formal or informal rules. 2 (context legal English) Explicitly established or constituted by law.

  1. adj. sanctioned by custom or morality especially sexual morality; "a wife's licit love" [ant: illicit]

  2. authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law; "a legitimate government" [syn: lawful, legitimate]

Usage examples of "licit".

In his phenomenological examination of the theme of love, in exploring the border zone between eroticism and licit sexuality, between irony and nostalgia, Kundera succeeds brilliantly in revealing the inadmissible: all the essentially comical elements concealed in human sexuality!

For this reason, the author recites, "quarta orbis pars, quam quis Americus invenit, Amerigen quasi Americi terram, sivi Americam nuncupare licit.

Hey, I bet they have a cesium clock hanging over their sleeping nest so they can start working on number six the nanosecond it's licit.

But then, even if he had studied little moral theology, he became aware that it was not even licit for him to love a sisterat least not with the tremors and the intensity of passion that the sight of Beatrice inspired in him.

The grounds of the hotel covered more than forty hectares, and included virtually every recreational facility, licit and illicit, known to man.