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n. someone who takes photographs professionally [syn: photographer]

Lensman (disambiguation)

Lensman is a science fiction book series by Edward Elmer Smith.

  • First Lensman, the second novel of the series, published in 1950
  • Gray Lensman, the fourth book in the series, published in 1951

Lensman may also refer to:

  • Lensman: Secret of The Lens, an anime movie based on the Lensman novels
  • Galactic Patrol Lensman, an anime TV series based on the Lensman novels
  • Backstage Lensman, a short story parody of the Lensman series by Randall Garrett, first written in 1949
  • Lensman microscope, designed by Rick Dickinson
  • Lensman (game), a game based on the Lensman novels
Lensman (game)

Lensman is a wargame first published in 1969.

Usage examples of "lensman".

Lensmen did not ordinarily use their Lenses on their Lensless friends, but this was no ordinary occasion.

He turned to the Lensless Lensman, now standing quietly before his desk.

Kinnison was the first Lensman to realize that the Lens was more than an identification and a telepath.

Kinnison, with the consent and assistance of Mentor of Arisia, made Clarrissa MacDougall an Unattached Lensman and assigned to her the task of working Lyrane II.

Red Lensman secured information from which it was deduced that a cavern of Overlords existed on Lyrane II.

Gray Lensman, leaving his wife and daughters to their own devices, made his way to his Tellurian office.

As the first Lensman and the only Second-Stage Lensman of his race, the twenty years had been very fully occupied indeed.

The perception of the need of the ability to isolate certain compartments of his mind, to separate them completely from his real ego, was one of the things which had enabled him to become the only Second-Stage Lensman of his race.

He knew that at long last he had met that half-fabulous Velantian Lensman with whom not one of his monstrous race could cope.

Gray Lensman mulled over in his mind the broad aspects of this crime-wave.

He did not add what he knew somberly to be a fact, that the enemy would go elsewhere, to some other planet not protected by a Lensman able to perceive the intangible structure of a sphere of force.

Or Mentor might be figuring that it would be good for what ailed a certain fat-headed Gray Lensman to have to dope this out for himself.

He told the Gray Lensman everything he knew and everything he deduced or suspected about the ex-Onlonian chieftain.

He sympathized particularly with a fat woman writer of whodunits, whose extremely unrealistic yet amazingly popular Gray Lensman hero had lived through ten full-length novels and twenty million copies.

Hence the Gray Lensman had no trouble at all, either in learning everything the fellow knew, or, upon leaving him, in implanting within his mind the knowledge that Sybly Whyte was now exactly the type of worker desired.