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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ When governments refuse to legislate, as in Britain, sport's organisers dream up complicated schemes to prevent touting.
▪ What is more Big Government than legislating effort in athletic competition?
▪ Clearly no government can legislate for such a wide array of circumstances, let alone attempt to enforce such legislation.
▪ By Enabling Laws the Reich stag empowered the government to legislate in the name of the Reich stag.
▪ But, except by private or hybrid Bills, Parliament does not legislate for individual cases.
▪ Indeed Parliament has legislated on matters affecting every aspect of our lives.
▪ In the new Parliament, we will legislate to enforce and enhance these rights.
▪ Political considerations may make it unlikely, even inconceivable that Parliament might legislate in a particular manner.
▪ In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters.
▪ Brussels has no power to legislate for us that we did not give it.
▪ Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment do not limit state power to legislate on economic matters. 29.
▪ In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters.
▪ Congress failed to legislate effective handgun controls.
▪ Should parliament legislate against experiments on animals?
▪ States are legislating stricter automobile safety measures for young children.
▪ The government was under a lot of public pressure to legislate on equal pay.
▪ Thomas Jefferson said that Britain had no right to legislate for its American colonies.
▪ Clearly no government can legislate for such a wide array of circumstances, let alone attempt to enforce such legislation.
▪ Governments will have to legislate eventually.
▪ The alternative, and it might be effective, would be to legislate for two-tier supervisory boards.
▪ This is legislating science at its most pernicious.
▪ We have also legislated five times to transform industrial relations, returning power from militants to ordinary union members.
▪ What is more Big Government than legislating effort in athletic competition?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Legislate \Leg"is*late\ (l[e^]j"[i^]s*l[=a]t), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Legislated (-l[=a]`t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Legislating (-l[=a]`t[i^]ng).] [See Legislator.] To make or enact a law or laws.

Solon, in legislating for the Athenians, had an idea of a more perfect constitution than he gave them.
--Bp. Watson (1805).

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1805, back-formation from legislation, etc. Related: Legislated; legislating.


vb. To pass laws (including the amending or repeal of existing laws).


v. make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation; "They passed the amendment"; "We cannot legislate how people's spend their free time" [syn: pass]

Usage examples of "legislate".

She had mounted an unrelenting attack on the antiabortionists and had crucified in debate those male chauvinists who without personal risk tried to legislate what women might do with their bodies.

During this reign the English Parliament legislated as absolutely for Ireland as they do now for Rutlandshire, an evil not to be complained of, if they had done it as justly.

That neither the Congress of the United States nor the people or governments of the non-Slaveholding States have the Constitutional right to legislate upon or interfere with Slavery in any of the Slaveholding States in the Union.

Labienus legislate to return the choice of priests and augurs to the People in their tribes.

Plautius announced in the Senate that he was going to legislate in the Plebeian Assembly to give back their citizenships and rights to those condemned with Lepidus and with Quintus Sertorius.

Lucius Decumius heard that the present consuls, Lucius Caesar and Marcius Figulus, proposed to legislate the crossroads colleges out of existence, he was thrown into a panic-stricken rage and horror, and ran immediately to see his patron, Caesar.

He had legislated to protect them from the depredations of greedy wives, confidence tricksters and gobbling landowners by forbidding them to sell their portions for twenty years.

Gnaeus Octavius had legislated to compel some of the proscription profiteers to give back property obtained by violence, force, or intimidation-which of course also meant removing the names of the original owners from the lists of the proscribed.

Gaius Gracchus legislated to try to curtail that, and to stop the smallholdings of Italy becoming the prey of big-time speculating graziers!

Umberleigh was born to legislate, codify, administrate, censor, license, ban, execute, and sit in judgement generally.

Let us not forget that for more than two centuries we have been particeps criminis, and should have been in as great a difficulty as the Americans now are, had we had the negro population on our own soil, and not on distant islands which could be legislated for without affecting the condition of the mother country.

From legislating the humane treatment of animals to making the possession of any animal or animal product without licenses and yearly inspections a crime.

Statesmen of the South will tell you that the negro is too ignorant and stupid properly to exercise the elective franchise, and yet his greatest offense is that he acts with the only party intelligent enough in the eyes of the nation to legislate for the country.

Several politicians had even tried to legislate a ban on exit polls, but none were successful.

Japan has just legislated against wireless SMS spam targeted at hapless mobile phone users.