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vb. (present participle of leapfrog English)

  1. n. advancing as if in the game of leapfrog

  2. a game in which one child bends down and another leaps over

  3. v. jump across; "He leapfrogged his classmates"

  4. progress by large jumps instead of small increments

  5. [also: leapfrogging, leapfrogged]


See leapfrog


The concept of leapfrogging is used in many different domains of economics and business, and was originally developed in the field of industrial organization and economic growth. The main idea beyond the concept of leapfrogging is that small and incremental innovations lead the dominant firm to stay ahead. However, sometimes, radical innovations will permit to new firms to leapfrog the ancient and dominant firm. The phenomenon can occur to firms but also to leadership of countries, or cities.

Leapfrogging (strategy)

Leapfrogging, also known as island hopping, was a military strategy employed by the Allies in the Pacific War against Japan and the Axis powers during World War II. The idea was to bypass heavily fortified Japanese positions and instead concentrate the limited Allied resources on strategically important islands that were not well defended but capable of supporting the drive to the main islands of Japan.

Usage examples of "leapfrogging".

By Day Thirty-three, sickness, mishaps, and one suicide had depleted the numbers such that all the survivors could be carried in the truck at once, so the leapfrogging was discontinued.

In hindsight, leapfrogging may have been nothing but another of those intellectual fads whose time has gone before it ever came.

Second Squad back there to cover you, then start leapfrogging back into the desert.

Patty leaned out for a quick glance as the other two pilots clambered over floor-hugging diplomats, leapfrogging each other like 3-D cops.

Anakin drew nearer to both, leapfrogging sand dunes in a long depression, easing slowly up on Mars Guo.

The first demonstration of leapfrogging came about inadvertently, in the Aleutians.

The branch was a twenty-centimeter latticework of inter grown tendrils, leapfrogging kilometers across the forest.

Masters had run and won big, leapfrogging from her already huge power base and cashing in on anti-Chinese sentiment.

Then the groups reversed roles, leapfrogging past one another as they fanned out to get around the handful of defenders.