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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Leading strings

Leading \Lead"ing\, a. Guiding; directing; controlling; foremost; as, a leading motive; a leading man; a leading example. -- Lead"ing*ly, adv.

Leading case (Law), a reported decision which has come to be regarded as settling the law of the question involved.

Leading motive [a translation of G. leitmotif] (Mus.), a guiding theme; in the musical drama of Wagner, a marked melodic phrase or short passage which always accompanies the reappearance of a certain person, situation, abstract idea, or allusion in the course of the play; a sort of musical label. Also called leitmotif or leitmotiv.

Leading note (Mus.), the seventh note or tone in the ascending major scale; the sensible note.

Leading question, a question so framed as to guide the person questioned in making his reply.

Leading strings, strings by which children are supported when beginning to walk.

To be in leading strings, to be in a state of infancy or dependence, or under the guidance of others.

Leading wheel, a wheel situated before the driving wheels of a locomotive engine.

leading strings

n. Strings or straps by which a child is supported when learning to walk.

Leading strings

Leading strings are strings or straps by which to support a child learning to walk. In 17th and 18th century Europe, they were narrow straps of fabric attached to children's clothing which originally functioned as a sort of leash to keep the child from straying too far or falling as they learned to walk.

Leading strings served two functions: reducing bumps and bruises in children who are just learning to walk, and restraining young children who might injure themselves by walking or running into unsafe places. Baby walkers and playpens are now commonly used for this purpose, or a child harness in older children.

Usage examples of "leading strings".

It seems like only yesterday she was saying we shouldn't be off leading strings, and now she calls us men.