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Lavoisier (crater)

Lavoisier is a lunar crater that is located near the northwestern limb of the Moon, at the western edge of the Oceanus Procellarum. It is located to the southwest of the crater von Braun and southeast of Bunsen. Due south of Lavoisier is the disintegrated crater Ulugh Beigh.

This is a worn crater formation with several small craters attached to the exterior of the rim. Lavoisier F is a distorted crater that shares a common rim along the southeastern side of Lavoisier. The southern rim is extended outward, and is overlaid by the small crater Lavoisier W. Lavoisier S is a worn crater that is attached to the northwestern rim. There are also a pair of small craters along the outer eastern rim. A small crater has incised a short section along the northern rim.

The interior of this floor-fractured crater is notable for the curving ridge that parallels the northwestern inner wall. The remainder of this circular form can be traced out across the interior by an intermittent pattern of lower- albedo surface that is concentric with the inner wall. There are also several rilles marking the interior surface, particularly along the outer edges. In the northern center of the floor is a triplet of small craterlets. Several other tiny craters mark the interior surface.

Lavoisier (disambiguation)

Antoine Lavoisier (1743–1794) was a French chemist.

Lavoisier may also refer to: