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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Bobby Abel, the son of a cockney lamplighter from Rotherhithe, played for Surrey from 1881 to 1904.
▪ He got a job as a lamplighter and never spoke a word against his father.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lamplighter \Lamp"light`er\, n.

  1. One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who in former times lighted street lamps which were illuminated by a combustible gas; -- such lamps are now little used, and primarily as nostalgic ornaments.

    He made the night a little brighter Wherever he did go, The old lamplighter Of long, long ago.
    --Song lyrics. (?)

  2. (Zo["o]l.) The calico bass.

  3. A device used to light lamps.


n. (context historical English) A person employed to light streetlights at dusk and snuff them at dawn.


n. (when gas was used for streetlights) a person who lights and extinguishes streetlights


A lamplighter is a person employed to light and maintain street lights. Very few exist today as most street lighting has long been by electric lamps.

Lamplighter (disambiguation)

A lamplighter was an employee of a town who lit street lights.

Lamplighter may also refer to:

Usage examples of "lamplighter".

Yes, there were gaslights, but they had not been turned on, or else had been extinguished as soon as the lamplighter had gone on his way.

My quarry this time was a farmer who had bred gold dust in his fields in the shape of Tiddely Pom, ante-post favourite for the Lamplighter Gold Cup.

I suggested they should send out a couple of Esterhase's lamplighters to take charge of her, maybe a tame doctor as well.

To do any one of those things would require the resources of Esterhase's lamplighters, and Esterhase, like anyone else, must be suspect.

In several cases, the winner was Toby Esterhase, head of Acton lamplighters, the one outstation which had actually grown fatter under lateralism.

Well, she said, at first Toby Esterhase agreed to put Aleks on the A list and have his Acton lamplighters cover him for random days, twelve out of every thirty, and each time they followed him he was as pure as the driven snow.

But the resources sections, such as the lamplighters, the forgers, the listeners and the wranglers, declined to open their books to him and he lacked the powers to force them.

Through the window, a closed courtyard crammed with cars and vans and motorbikes, and rest-huts where the teams of lamplighters killed time between shifts.

Then he put it to Toby that the lamplighters were two months behind on their worksheets and when Toby hedged he asked him outright whether his boys had been doing any special jobs recently, either at home or abroad, which for good reasons of security Toby didn't feel able to mention in his returns.

Toby's lamplighters sandbagged the pair of them and locked them up in Sarratt.

There's tradecraft to discuss, there are the useful snippets about goings-on inside the Embassy, which are so handy to the lamplighters in their bread-and-butter surveillance operations against the residency.

The city's lamplighters were already out, going from lamp to lamp along the main streets and bridges.

She was too late to meet Nia: the skies were dark, the lamplighters busy at their work, and shadows lay over the canal ice.

Acetylene lanterns hang suspended from long pulleys, and they sway slightly in the evening wind as the lamplighters hoist them back into a firmament of nets.

When we arrived, lamplighters were out snuffing lights, conserving oil.