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n. The act of laicize

Laicization (Catholic Church)

In the canon law of the Catholic Church, laicization (or laicisation) is the removal of a bishop, priest or deacon from the status of being a member of the clergy.

The term laicization used by the Catholic Church corresponds closely in meaning to the terms defrocking and unfrocking used in some other traditions. "Defrocking" has no meaning in Catholic canon law.

Usage examples of "laicization".

If Angela said it was so desperately important that nobody must know until after the laicization then she must have her reasons, he had held himself back from chatting to his compatriots.

No, he was stumbling out words about the laicization and how long it was taking, and how glad he was to see Angela because he had been so afraid from her letters that she meant he was never to come back to Castlebay again.

Ostia, and how they would get married here in Rome as soon as the laicization came through.

But it had been a longer time for Sean in waiting for a laicization that never came.

He championed the complete laicization of the schools in Ontario, but unsuccessfully, the Roman Catholic church maintaining its right to separate schools.

It was an open secret now, within the diplomatic community, that Don Fernando had privately written to Urban VIII asking whether a petition for laicization would be looked upon with favor.