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lacrosse ball

n. ball used in playing lacrosse

Lacrosse ball

A lacrosse ball is the solid rubber ball that is used, in conjunction with a lacrosse stick, to play the sport of lacrosse. It is typically white, but is also produced in a wide variety of colors.

The old NCAA specifications are:

Weight: 140g - 147g
Diameter: 62.7 mm - 64.7 mm
Rebound: From 1,800 height 1,092 – 1292 mm (70% rebound from falling point)
Rubber content: 65%

The new NCAA year 2000 specs states: "Section 17. The ball shall be white, yellow or orange solid rubber between 7 3/4 and 8 inches in circumference, between 5 and 5 1/2 ounces in weight and when dropped from a height of 72 inches upon concrete floor, shall bounce 43 to 51 inches at a temperature of 65 degrees fahrenheit."

Beginning with the 2014 season, all three governing bodies for lacrosse in the United States (US Lacrosse, NFHS, NCAA) have mandated that only balls meeting the NOCSAE ball standard may be used for competition. Balls must be emblazoned with the words "Meets NOCSAE Standard" in order to be deemed legal for play by game officials.

Starting no earlier than June 2016, all lacrosse balls will have to meet the new NOCSAE Standard.