Kurogane (manga)
, also known as Black Steel, is a manga series written and illustrated by manga artist Kei Toume. It had a limited run from 1996 to 1997, and consists 5 volumes and 14 chapters (which are further separated into episodes). It was released in America from June 2006 to June 2007.
Kurogane may refer to:
- Kurogane (manga)
- Kurogane (company)
- Kurogane Communication, manga
- Japanese WW2 era military reconnaissance car Type 95 "Kurogane"
- Kurogane, a character in the CLAMP series Tsubasa Chronicles
Kurogane (company)
Kurogane consists of members that worked on Valhalla Knights and Valhalla Knights 2 for the PlayStation Portable, which were developed by K2 LLC. They are currently assisting in the localization of Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga for the Wii.