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Kopsia is a genus of plant in family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1823. Kopsia is native to China, Southeast Asia, Australia, and various islands of the western Pacific.

  1. Kopsia angustipetala Kerr - Thailand, Laos
  2. Kopsia arborea Blume - S China, SE Asia, N Australia, Andaman & Nicobar Is
  3. Kopsia dasyrachis Ridl. - Sabah
  4. Kopsia deverrei L.Allorge - Johor
  5. Kopsia flavida Blume - Philippines, Maluku, New Guinea, Solomon Is, Vanuatu, Micronesia
  6. Kopsia fruticosa ( Roxb.) A.DC. - Myanmar, Andaman Is
  7. Kopsia grandifolia D.J.Middleton - Johor, Anambas Is
  8. Kopsia griffithii King & Gamble - W Malaysia
  9. Kopsia hainanensis Tsiang - Hainan
  10. Kopsia harmandiana Pierre ex Pit. - Vietnam
  11. Kopsia lapidilecta Sleesen - Natuna Is
  12. Kopsia larutensis King & Gamble - W Malaysia
  13. Kopsia macrophylla Hook.f. - W Malaysia
  14. Kopsia pauciflora Hook.f. - Indochina, W Malaysia, Sumatra
  15. Kopsia profunda King & Gamble - W Malaysia
  16. Kopsia rajangensis D.J.Middleton - Sarawak
  17. Kopsia rosea D.J.Middleton - S Thailand, Kelantan
  18. Kopsia singapurensis Ridl. - Singapore, W Malaysia
  19. Kopsia sleesiana Markgraf - Sarawak
  20. Kopsia sumatrana D.J.Middleton - Sumatra
  21. Kopsia tenuis Leenh. & Steenis - Sarawak
  22. Kopsia teoi L.Allorge - W Malaysia
  23. Kopsia tonkinensis Pit. - Vietnam
  24. Kopsia vidalii D.J.Middleton - Vietnam