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Konrad Cunha Dantas is a Brazilian music video producer, director and screenwriter most known as KondZilla. He has directed over 300 music videos. He started his carrier directing the live in concert DVD "Música Popular Caiçara", from the band Charlie Brown Jr..

KondZilla has worked with musical artists including Racionais MCs, Charlie Brown Jr, MC Guime, Preta Gil, Tati Zaqui, Karol Conká, Tropkillaz, Arnaldo Saccomani, MC Nego Blue, DJ Marlboro, MC Boy do Charmes, MC Pedrinho, MC Bola, Pikeno & Menor, Hungria Hip-Hop, among many others.

One of his works was nominated for the best music video 2015 at the Multishow Awards with “Tombei” from Karol Conka.

His YouTube channel Canal KondZilla exceeds 4 million subscribers and 1 billion views.