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Kobuvirus is a genus of viruses in the order Picornavirales, in the family Picornaviridae. Humans and cattle serve as natural hosts. There are currently three species in this genus including the type species Aichivirus A. Diseases associated with this genus include: gastroenteritis.

Three species of the genus include Aichivirus A (formerly Aichi virus), Aichivirus B (formerly Bovine kobuvirus) and Aichivirus C (formerly Porcine kobuvirus) each possessing a single serotype. Canine kobuvirus belong to species Aichivirus A. Aichi virus infects humans, while bovine kobuvirus, porcine kobuvirus and canine kobuvirus, as suggested by their names, infects cattle, swine, dogs and cats.

Recently a novel caprine kobuvirus was characterised after isolation from a Korean black goat.