Koalapop is an independent clothing brand and website founded in 2007 by 'Allen J' (James). Based on the street art, skating, punk and rave subcultures of the Bay Area, California, the website features a variety of shirts, hoodies, hats, stickers, printed autographed art, etc., as well as free content such as an RSS feed e-magazine, "viral art" (art which is free to distribute non-commercially), e-stickers, music playlists, and links to videos and other internet content.
Viral content and an interactive, collaborative community environment are an essential aspect of the site and brand name. Occasionally the site mails out free stickers to fans and Myspace friends.
Koalaop intends to eventually offer a shoe line and bricks-and-mortar shop in San Francisco. The brand is considered to have a sort of cult following or street cred.