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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Kindly \Kind"ly\ (k[imac]nd"l[y^]), a. [Compar. Kindlier (k[imac]nd"l[i^]*[~e]r); superl. Kindliest.] [AS. cyndelic. See Kind, n. ]

  1. According to the kind or nature; natural. [R.]

    The kindly fruits of the earth.
    --Book of Com. Prayer.

    An herd of bulls whom kindly rage doth sting.

    Whatsoever as the Son of God he may do, it is kindly for Him as the Son of Man to save the sons of men.
    --L. Andrews.

  2. Humane; congenial; sympathetic; hence, disposed to do good to; benevolent; gracious; kind; helpful; as, kindly affections, words, acts, etc.

    The shade by which my life was crossed, . . . Has made me kindly with my kind.

  3. Favorable; mild; gentle; auspicious; beneficent.

    In soft silence shed the kindly shower.

    Should e'er a kindlier time ensue.

    Note: ``Nothing ethical was connoted in kindly once: it was simply the adjective of kind. But it is God's ordinance that kind should be kindly, in our modern sense of the word as well; and thus the word has attained this meaning.''


a. (en-comparative of: kindly)

  1. adj. showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity; "was charitable in his opinions of others"; "kindly criticism"; "a kindly act"; "sympathetic words"; "a large-hearted mentor" [syn: charitable, sympathetic, large-hearted]

  2. generously responsive; "good-hearted but inept efforts to help"; "take a kindly interest"; "a kindly gentleman"; "an openhearted gift to charity" [syn: good-hearted, kind, openhearted]

  3. pleasant and agreeable; "a kindly climate"; "kindly breeze"

  4. adv. in a kind manner or out of kindness; "He spoke kindly to the boy"; "she kindly overlooked the mistake" [ant: unkindly]

  5. [also: kindliest, kindlier]


See kindly

Usage examples of "kindlier".

But for him, my wolf would live still, or at least would have died in kindlier circumstances.

As it has become known that her own son is Witted, they have a kindlier feeling towards her.

It would make real his father’s sacrifice to him, and he might perceive his own in a kindlier light then.

The pay was munificent, but presently we realized that no bank account could buy back one day we might have spent beneath a kindlier sun.

The man puffed smoke into twilight, with which it blent, before he said in a kindlier voice than hitherto: “Please don’t make it a high hope, Mrs.

Austrian Schrammel music, hauntingly and nostalgically evocative of a kindlier and happier age, flooded through the open doorway.