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n. (plural of katydid English)

Katydids (band)

Katydids were an English band, founded by the vocalist Susie Hug and guitarist Adam Seymour, adding Dan James on guitar, David Hunter on bass guitar, and Shane Young on drums in the late 1980s. In December 1989, NME had commented that Katydids were one of their tips for stardom in the 1990s. NMEs list also included Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine, The Charlatans, The Mock Turtles, Ride and The Popinjays. However, after two unsuccessful albums, Reprise dropped Katydids and they split up until new Katydids music surfaced in 2014.

After a long hiatus, Hug embarked on a solo career, releasing two EPs and an album. Her husband, Adam Seymour, played with The Pretenders shortly after Katydids broke up.

The band has released two EPs on SoundCloud in 2014.

Usage examples of "katydids".

Meanwhile, the katydids went on caroling, and a covey of goldfinches fluttered into a patch of purple thistle, chattering companionably.

She looked around: a T in the road 3 dust settling behind her, brown-eyed Susans and skunk cabbage bobbing in the ditch, grasshoppers jumping and munching among the quack grass and dandelions around the car, wild mustard blooming tiredly in the dry-wash ditch and the incessant note of the katydids hidden in the weeds and grasses.

The stillness, the remoteness seemed magnified by the unchanging song of the katydids and the oppressive heat.

They went outdoors again, where the crickets and katydids were chirping in the grass, and the drowsy twitter of birds came from the maples above.

The house retains its evil reputation, but the replanted vine is as orderly and well-behaved a vegetable as a nervous person could wish to sit under of a pleasant night, when the katydids grate out their immemorial revelation and the distant whippoorwill signifies his notion of what ought to be done about it.

That evening, Grandpa and Grandma and the children sat on the porch, listening to the chirp of the katydids and the call of the whippoorwills.

But what I liked best was to sit out on the porch in the evenings, and listen to the katydids and whippoorwills, and watch the stars come out one by one.