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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Appetite has been replaced by anxiety; bread by kapok, Stilton by soap.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Kapok \Ka*pok"\, n. [Prob. fr. the native name.] (Bot.) A silky wool derived from the seeds of Ceiba pentandra (syn. Eriodendron anfractuosum), a bombaceous tree of the East and West Indies.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1735, from Malay kapoq, name of the large tropical tree which produces the fibers.


n. A silky fibre obtained from the silk-cotton tree used for insulation and stuffing for pillows, mattresses, etc.

  1. n. from the kapok tree; used for stuffing and insulation [syn: silk cotton, vegetable silk]

  2. massive tropical tree with deep ridges on its massive trunk and bearing large pods of seeds covered with silky floss; source of the silky kapok fiber [syn: ceiba tree, silk-cotton tree, white silk-cotton tree, Bombay ceiba, God tree, Ceiba pentandra]


Kapok may refer to:

  • Kapok tree, several species
  • Kapok fibre, made from Ceiba pentandra, one of the kapok tree species

Usage examples of "kapok".

His gaze fell on the somnolent form of the Kapok Kid, flat on his back in an arm-chair, an enormous pair of fur-lined flying-boots perched above the electric fire.

For the Kapok Kid, the Royal Navy was his whole life, and he lived for that alone.

The voice was metallic, impersonal: the Kapok Kid slept on in magnificent oblivion.

He stared into the fire for a long time, then looked up quietly at the Kapok Kid.

The Kapok Kid flushed to the roots of his blond hair, but he stood his ground.

For the Kapok Kid, flippancy was a creed, derogation second nature: seriousness was a crime and anything that smacked of adulation bordered on blasphemy.

The Kapok Kid swung briskly on to the side of his bunk, lifting an admonitory hand.

As the Kapok Kid remarked, the best thing to do with these waves was to look the other way.

The Kapok Kid, forehead swathed in bandages, the rest of his face pocked with blood, was bending over him.

Tyndall jerked his head in the direction of the Kapok Kid, then looked up in surprise.

Carpenter drew his forearm across his eyes: the kapok sleeve came away covered in blood.

Turner and the Kapok Kid and Dodson, whom dawn found as men above themselves, men revelling in danger and exhaustion, for only thus could they realise themselves, for only this had they been born.

Asdic cabinet, a cabinet, the Kapok Kid now saw for the first time, riddled and shattered with machine-gun bullets and shells.

Before the Kapok Kid could speak, Chrysler lurched forward, fists battering frantically, blindly at the jammed door of the cabinet.

And then the Heinkel opened up, and Turner flung himself back, knocking the Kapok Kid to the deck.