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kapok tree

n. The silk-cotton tree.

Kapok tree

Kapok tree can refer to several plants with seeds that grow long hairs:

  • Bombax ceiba, an Asian tree with red flowers
  • Calotropis procera, a shrub with white and purple flowers, native to Asia and North Africa, but a weed in other places
  • Ceiba pentandra, a tree of the tropical Americas with white flowers, cultivated particularly in south-east Asia for its seed fibre
  • Two trees with yellow flowers native to northern Australia and Papua New Guinea
    • Cochlospermum gillivraei
    • Cochlospermum fraseri

Usage examples of "kapok tree".

As a boy, the Constable had been given to wandering the wild shore downriver of Aeolis, and he had once come across a blood orchid growing in the cloven root of a kapok tree.