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A small village in south Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu in Radhapuram taluk, Navvaladi krama panjayat.

This village has less than 100 houses population around 300 people living here. Around 50 percentage of people migrate to various places of Tamil Nadu and other part of India due to their job, business or survival.

This village looks very beautiful. It is located near the beach (from 700 meters). Also there are lots of available natural resources and mineral resources, especially thorium, plutonium, and some many sources available in this area. This village peoples all were well educated. Many of these people are employed in major companies in India and abroad. Also some girls and ladies beedi making work under some companies. In this village, 100% of people were Hindu nadars. This village boys play many games such as cricket, volleyball, football, carrom, bambaram, goli, kuchi kattai (gilly), nondi, kasa pusa, hide and seek,etc. This village has its own cricket team named "THE GREAT BOYS". They have won many games against nearest village tournaments. This village has longest beach and forest. And this village has a government primary school. This village people never support political parties. For that reason in this village there are no political flags not available.