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n. (plural of jumper English)


n. a coverall worn by children


Jumpers is a play by Tom Stoppard which was first performed in 1972. It explores and satirises the field of academic philosophy, likening it to a less-than skilful competitive gymnastics display. Jumpers raises questions such as "What do we know?" and "Where do values come from?" It is set in an alternative reality where some British astronauts have landed on the moon and "Radical Liberals" (read pragmatists and relativists) have taken over the British government (the play seems to suggest that pragmatists and relativists would be immoral (Archie says that murder is not wrong, merely "antisocial")). It was inspired by the notion that a manned moon landing would ruin the moon as a poetic trope and possibly lead to a collapse of moral values.

Jumpers (Wild Cards)

Usage examples of "jumpers".

The fact is, barracudas are adroit jumpers, especially in pursuit of bait fish.

Sanner and Martine followed him, their cave jumpers and backpacks glistening with extruded water in the gathered light.

With the cold this intense and their cave jumpers leaking heat, hypothermia was a danger for everyone, but especially for the disabled members of the party.

They wear Marks and Spencer jumpers, sport haircuts his father would approve of and raise moral objections to going in pubs.

She likes to wear tight jumpers, much to the delight of her male customers.