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jump cut

n. A cinematographic edit in which the view of a subject jumps forward in time

jump cut

n. an immediate transition from one scene to another

Jump cut

A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time. It is a manipulation of temporal space using the duration of a single shot, and fracturing the duration to move the audience ahead. This kind of cut abruptly communicates the passing of time as opposed to the more seamless dissolve heavily used in films predating Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless, when jump cuts were first used extensively. For this reason, jump cuts, while not seen as inherently bad, are considered a violation of classical continuity editing, which aims to give the appearance of continuous time and space in the story-world by de-emphasizing editing. Jump cuts, in contrast, draw attention to the constructed nature of the film.

Continuity editing uses a guideline called the " 30 degree rule" to avoid jump cuts. The 30 degree rule advises that for consecutive shots to appear "seamless," the camera position must vary at least 30 degrees from its previous position. Some schools would call for a change in framing as well (e.g., from a medium shot to a close up). Generally, if the camera position changes less than 30 degrees, the difference between the two shots will not be substantial enough, and the viewer will experience the edit as a jump in the position of the subject that is jarring, and draws attention to itself. Although jump cuts can be created through the editing together of two shots filmed non-continuously (spatial jump cuts), they can also be created by removing a middle section of one continuously filmed shot (temporal jump cuts).

Jump cuts can add a sense of speed to the sequence of events.

Jump Cut (journal)

Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media is an online journal covering the analysis of film, television, video, and related media.

Its stated goal is to approach its subject from a "nonsectarian left, feminist, and anti-imperialist" perspective. It takes its name from the jump cut, a film editing technique in which an abrupt visual change occurs. Jump Cut was established in 1974 by John Hess, Chuck Kleinhans ( Northwestern University), and Julia Lesage ( University of Oregon). It was published in print in tabloid form until 2001. Soon after, it began publishing online.