Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n. (context British English) A sale of used goods by individuals operating tables or stalls, usually held indoors and open to the public.
n. a sale of donated articles [syn: rummage sale]
A jumble sale, bring and buy sale (U.K, Australia, occasionally Canada) or rummage sale (U.S and Canada) is an event at which second hand goods are sold, usually by an institution such as a local Boys' Brigade Company, Scout group, or church, as a fundraising or charitable effort. A rummage sale by a church is called a church sale or white elephant sale, frequently as part of a church bazaar.
Usage examples of "jumble sale".
Afternoon, because I was just heading back to my rooms for dinner when Lady Schrapnell caught me and put me on jumble sale duty.
I went over to the jumble sale stall to report to Verity that I had nothing to report.
And we learnt that he had given a pair to Miss Kay last year for the jumble sale.
Many of her favourite garments had been purchased at the Temple Pudley Church Jumble Sale, and her naval officer's boat cloak had kept her warm for forty winters.
After lunch Clare started hunting around for things for her jumble sale, and she found yours at the back of one of the drawers of the desk in your study.
He supposed the old stuff would all end up at the jumble sale-at least it might still be useful to someone.
And he will have to do so for the foreseeable future: a man who cannot afford bus fares cannot afford shoes, even if they do come from a jumble sale.
Stripy pyjama bottoms she'd got at a jumble sale, camel-coloured desert boots, hair loose, the perfect designer look for a winter party.
There hadn't been a sensation like it since the last Presbyterian Church jumble sale.
In Bear Valley, the bars closed at midnight on weekdays, the annual PTA jumble sale was a major social event, and gun control meant not letting your kids shoot with anything bigger than a twenty-gauge.