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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
balancing/juggling act
▪ For today's time-stressed parents, each day becomes a juggling act.
▪ But all face an awkward balancing act.
▪ But it's a crucial balancing act where you have to prioritise on a daily basis.
▪ Neither half of that balancing act has yet met with success.
▪ Now that balancing act has become more precarious than ever.
▪ Such a balancing act could keep his government in being only by increasing his own reputation for lack of principle.
▪ The question humankind must ask is whether the balancing act the president suggests is enough to stave off global devastation.
▪ The question now facing voters is which approach is likely to achieve the best balancing act.
▪ Using political power to reduce market inequalities requires a high-wire balancing act.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Juggling \Jug"gling\, a. Cheating; tricky. -- Jug"gling*ly, adv.


Juggling \Jug"gling\, n. [p. pr. from juggle, v. t.]

  1. Jugglery; underhand practice.

  2. The act or process of keeping several objects in the air at one time by tossing them with the hands. See juggle v. t., senses 2, 3, and 4.


Juggle \Jug"gle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Juggled; p. pr. & vb. n. Juggling.] [OE. juglen; cf. OF. jogler, jugler, F. jongler. See Juggler.]

  1. To play tricks by sleight of hand; to cause amusement and sport by tricks of skill; to conjure; especially, to maintian several objects in the air at one time by tossing them up with one hand, catching them with the other hand, and passing them from the catching to the tossing hand.

  2. To practice artifice or imposture.

    Be these juggling fiends no more believed.


n. 1 The art of moving objects, such as balls, clubs, beanbags, rings, etc. in an artful or artistic manner. 2 An act or instance of juggling; a reshuffle. vb. (present participle of juggle English)

  1. n. the act of rearranging things to give a misleading impression [syn: juggle]

  2. throwing and catching several objects simultaneously [syn: juggle]


Juggling is a physical skill, performed by a juggler, involving the manipulation of objects for recreation, entertainment, art or sport. The most recognizable form of juggling is toss juggling. Juggling can be the manipulation of one object or many objects at the same time, using one or many hands. Jugglers often refer to the objects they juggle as props. The most common props are balls, clubs, or rings. Some jugglers use more dramatic objects such as knives, fire torches or chainsaws. The term juggling can also commonly refer to other prop-based manipulation skills, such as diabolo, devil sticks, poi, cigar boxes, contact juggling, hooping, and hat manipulation.

Juggling (novel)

Juggling is a 1994 novel by Barbara Trapido, nominated for the Whitbread Award that year. It is a sequel to her 1990 novel Temples of Delight, characters appearing as teenagers and young adults in the earlier book are now parents.

Usage examples of "juggling".

The Skandars, four-armed and powerfully built, performed prodigies of coordination, but the man and the woman held their own in the patterns, juggling as deftly as the others.

Simultaneity is an illusion, friend, when you are juggling and even when you are not.

This hardly seemed juggling, this rigid one-ball toss, but it was the event of the moment and he gave himself up to it entirely.

To dream of juggling might have been expected, after the afternoon's events, but instead he found himself once more on the purple plain—a disturbing sign, for the Majipoori know from childhood that dreams of recurring aspect have extra significance, probably dark.

From Carabella's trunk Valentine took three of the juggling balls, and went outside into the misty dawn to sharpen his burgeoning skills.

His wrists were a little sore from juggling with the clubs, and he held out his arms, letting his hands loll and flop.

That the juggling was difficult even for him was obvious: normally he was smooth as a machine, tireless as a loom, but now his hands were moving in sudden sharp skips and lunges, grasping hastily at a club that was spinning up almost out of reach, snatching with desperate quickness at one that had fallen nearly too far.

Mid-cabin was a place for the storage of belongings, trunks and parcels and juggling gear, all the paraphernalia of the troupe, and up front, on a raised platform open to the sky, was a driver's seat wide enough for two Skandars or three humans.

Sleet had warned him about that: that only a master could risk juggling with them, for their double sets of arms gave them an advantage no human could hope match.

What more could he ask than to become a master worthy of juggling with Zalzan Kavol and his brothers!

And then came Zalzan Kavol with the wizard Deliamber on his back, and Carabella, naked and nut-brown, sprinting with unfailing vigor, and Vinorkis, goggling and gaping, and Sleet, juggling balls of fire as he climbed, and Shanamir, and a Liiman selling sizzling sausages, and the gentle sweet-eyed Lady of the Isle, and the old Pontifex again, and the Coronal, and a platoon of musicians, and twenty Hjorts bearing the King of Dreams, terrible old Simonan Barjazid, in a golden litter.

In the quiet of dawn the little Vroon was practicing a sort of juggling near the wagon, with shards of some glittering icy-bright crystalline substance: but this was wizard-juggling, for Deliamber only pretended to throw and catch, and appeared actually to be moving the shards by power of mind alone.

Conscious of Sleet's cool eyes on him, he put himself into the juggling position, threw one club high, and botched the catch.

He diverted himself by counting blaves, by imagining himself juggling in patterns of surpassing intricacy with Sleet and Carabella, by trying to relax his entire body one muscle at a time.

He touched his hands to the diadem at his forehead and Valentine rocked and shook as if the ground had opened at his feet, and he stumbled and fell, and when he looked up again he saw that Dominin Barjazid now was clad in the green doublet and ermine robe of a Coronal, and altered in appearance so that his face was the face of Lord Valentine and his body was the body of Lord Valentine, and out of the juggling knives that he had taken from Valentine he had fashioned the starburst crown of a Coronal, which his father Simonan Barjazid now placed upon his brow.