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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Michael's homecoming was a joyous occasion.
▪ However, whereas it should have been a joyous occasion, it was not.
▪ For other people at work they seemed to be such joyous occasions.
▪ It was one of those joyous occasions to which as many children as adults and elderly grannies were invited.
▪ What was meant for a joyous occasion would shrivel to a general wretchedness.
▪ A joyous occasion, and she was damned well going to enjoy herself!
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Joyous \Joy"ous\, a. [OE. joyous, joious, joios, F. joyeux.See Joy.] Glad; gay; merry; joyful; also, affording or inspiring joy; with of before the word or words expressing the cause of joy.

Is this your joyous city?
--Is. xxiii. 7.

They all as glad as birds of joyous prime.

And joyous of our conquest early won.

Syn: Merry; lively; blithe; gleeful; gay; glad; mirthful; sportive; festive; joyful; happy; blissful; charming; delightful. -- Joy"ous*ly, adv. -- Joy"ous*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, from Anglo-French joyous, Old French joios "happy, cheerful, merry, glad" (12c., Modern French joyeux), from joie (see joy). Related: Joyously; joyousness.


a. Full of joy; happy.

  1. adj. full of or characterized by joy; "felt a joyous abandon" [ant: joyless]

  2. full of or suggesting exultant happiness; "a joyful heart"; "a joyful occasion"; "the joyous news"; "joyous laughter" [syn: joyful]


Joyous is the third album by Portland, Oregon-based R&B group Pleasure. It was released in 1977 and produced by jazz legend Wayne Henderson of the Crusaders.

Usage examples of "joyous".

Clem for something of this kind, yet he had managed things so well that up to the time of his departure she had not been able to remark a single suspicious circumstance, unless, indeed, it were the joyous affectionateness with which he continued to behave, She herself had been passing through a time of excitement and even of suffering.

But here his voice was lost in the joyous acclamations of his followers who shouted amain until the Duchess quelled them with lifted hand.

But supposing a committee of arboriculturists, in these days of stamping out all the joyous old pantheistic customs, were to sit in open-air conclave and adjudge the reward of a caressing parasite to the sturdiest old trunk in the Australian bush, this ancient gum-tree would have been entwined for its remaining decades--years are of little account in the life of such a tree--by the very Abishag of a creeper.

We continually receive joyous news of the health and well-being of the Guardian of the Cause of God and eagerly hope that the night of separation may come to an end, that the period of bereavement may soon expire and his blessed person may return to this hallowed Spot with utmost joy and radiance.

How Iagoo, the great boaster, He the marvellous story-teller, Told his tales of strange adventure, That the feast might be more joyous, That the time might pass more gayly, And the guests be more contented.

We had a joyous supper together, and, as we were getting ready to go to bed, Petronio came to inform me that ten muleteers would start for Cesena two hours before day-break, and that he was sure I could leave the city with them if I would go and meet them a quarter of an hour before their departure, and treat them to something to drink.

But when I heard him speak with beautiful flowers of rhetoric for the purpose of gilding the bitter pill, I could not help bursting into a joyous laughter, and I astounded his reverence when I expressed my readiness to go anywhere he might think right to send me.

Can the lives of such men be compared, seeing that the one is sad and gloomy--as it is natural that a denier of his debts and a defrauder should be, a man who does not give his parents, his nurses, or his teachers the honour which is their due--while the other is joyous, cheerful, on the watch for an opportunity of proving his gratitude, and gaining much pleasure from this frame of mind itself?

A thousand beautiful ascidians and echinoderms of every joyous colour and fantastic shape peeped out from amid this herbage, which was alive with strange crustaceans and low forms of creeping life.

When Saturday came and the sun was shining brightly in the sky, then the whole company in joyous mood left the parsonage, Sally and Erick ahead, Ritz and Edi following.

Without any further urging, he took tight hold of his twin, and bucked most energetically, until finally, suddenly, he shuddered all over and threw his head back, his face wreathed with a joyous grin.

That other girl, the joyous companion of his summer idyl, was no more.

Verty came forward to meet his innamorata, as joyous and careless as ever, and, figuratively speaking, with open arms.

Pillerault, in concert with the Ragons, hired a little country-house at Sceaux, and the worthy old ironmonger silently prepared a joyous house-warming.

What man is there who, if he knew that, after thirty years of suffering terminated by a fearful death, he should rise again into boundless bliss and glory while rapt infinitude rung with the paans of an applauding universe, and that by means of his humiliation he could redeem countless millions from eternal torture, would not with a joyous spring undertake the task?