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vb. (en-past of: jink)

Usage examples of "jinked".

Locked into fierce, pitched battles, opponents jinked and looped through evasive maneuvers.

He jinked to the left, firing blindly, then launched himself feetfirst at the larger of the pair.

The photographic jet heeled over in a tight turn, jinked to a lower altitude and went into a paralyzing dive.

The ford of the river had been deeply worn over the ages by the passage of laden beasts of burden and the men who drove them, so that the many footpaths down each bank were deep trenches in the red earth, that jinked to avoid any large boulder or ridge of rock.

With Mara to one side and Tam to the other, Luke juked and jinked for a three count, firing his quadded lasers into roiling clouds of flame while he gave the rest of his pilots time to reach firing position.

He had jinked around with den bases before, though nothing on this scale.

A line of congealed blood snaked across her smooth forehead, jinked down, and crossed her left eye, which bulged out, blind and staring.