Crossword clues for jimmied
The Collaborative International Dictionary
vb. (en-pastjimmy)
See jimmy
Usage examples of "jimmied".
Getting into the moat around the apartment buildings had been the only tricky part, but he hadn't been seen when he had dropped over the edge and he was sure no one had been looking when he had jimmied open the cellar window with the tire iron.
As I understand it, one of the windows had been jimmied open, and there were the marks of footprints under the window.
So Gleason waited around until Crinston left, then jimmied a window to make it look as though burglars had broken in from the outside.
Norton, then planted the evidence in Pete Devoe's room in order to make it appear Devoe was the guilty party, in the event the officers didn't fall for the jimmied window and the footprints in the soft soil.
Isn't it a fact that you jimmied a window and left footprints in the loam on the soil outside of the window so that it would appear that Mr.
But on the window that was jimmied open, through which we can presume the killer entered the building, there was a design traced in the dust.
She might have jimmied or broken a normal door lock, but she couldn’t do anything with that big padlock.
The French doors were the best bet, and the privacy fence would give him concealment while he jimmied them open, or whatever.
I went back up to Apartment 31, jimmied the door as I had done before, stepped in behind the wall bed and took the keytainer from the trousers pocket of the neat brown dangling corpse.