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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
jellied cranberry sauce
▪ Add diced shallots to the vinaigrette and it becomes a sauce for a jellied boeuf àlamode or an oxtail terrine.
▪ Many remember eating jellied eels - still on the menu, along with eels and mash - with their parents.
▪ She touched the jellied space in her mouth and found a drop of blood like a shiny ladybird resting on her finger.
▪ The liquid and jellied remains stand, mute witnesses to a post-apocalyptic performance.
▪ This time the curled metal merely came away with jellied lumps of vitreous humour sticking to it.
▪ We all know what happens when jellied gravy and sediment is left at the bottom of a bowl of dripping or lard.
▪ We were anticipating the jellied meat and the sweet preserves, we were ravenously hungry.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

jellied \jel"lied\, a. Brought to the state or consistency of jelly.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, past participle adjective from jelly (v.).

  1. 1 converted into jelly; congealed 2 cooked in jelly v

  2. (en-pastjelly)


See jelly


adj. congealed into jelly; solidified by cooling; "in Georgia they serve congealed salads" [syn: congealed, jelled]

  1. v. make into jelly; "jellify a liquid" [syn: jellify]

  2. [also: jellied]

  1. n. a preserve made of the jelled juice of fruit

  2. an edible jelly (sweet or pungent) made with gelatin and used as a dessert or salad base or a coating for foods [syn: gelatin]

  3. a substance having the consistency of semi-solid foods

  4. [also: jellied]


Usage examples of "jellied".

Canisters of napalm hitting the treetops, and jellied gasoline trickling down like stalactites, and see fifteen or twenty North Vietnamese soldiers jump up from underneath it and try to escape.

Servants marched out course after course of food and wine: thick soups filled with onions and lentils, roasted quail wings in jellied orange sauce, salads made of a tumble of flower petals, breads rich in cinnamon and baked with raisins, fruits of every variety sculpted in shapes to delight, smoked duck curried with spices that burned the tongue, and finally velvety smooth chocolates accented with sips of port wine.

And some on the jellied quarl, that flings At once a thousand streamy stings - They cut the wave with the living oar And hurry on to the moonlight shore, To guard their realms and chase away The footsteps of the invading Fay.

He was a vegetarian, eating no meat whatsoever except for jellied whiteworms, a delicacy with little general appeal, but one he relished.

The first sensation was of his balls being jellied by the uneven stride, but he managed to acclimate to that, rising and falling with the horse, rather than against it.

With an eye to Aunt Beatrix they chose to mates suisses, then jellied chicken with a green salad.

The Surveyors stand together at the Quarter-deck, Mason in gray stockings, brown breeches, and snuff-color'd Coat with pinchbeck buttons, Dixon in red coat, Breeches, and boots, and a Hat with a severely Military rake to it, waiting the Instruments, both, now, more keenly than at any time during this late sea-passage, feeling like Supercargo, pos'd not before wild seas or exotick landscapes, but among Objects of Oceanick Commerce, as all 'round them Sailors and Dock-men labor, nets lift and sway as if by themselves, bulging with casks of nails and jellied eels, British biscuit and buttons for your waistcoat, Ton-icks, Colognes, golden Provolones.

Lunch was choice of corn chowder or jellied consomme, cheese souffle, fried chicken, corned beef and cabbage, hominy grits with syrup, egg plant au gratin, little pearl onions scalloped with cucumbers, baked stuffed tomatoes, sweet potato surprise, German-fried Irish potatoes, tossed endive, coleslaw with sour cream, pineapple and cottage cheese with lettuce.

Using a sanple of blood taken from the body of Gary Wechlas, she was methodically contaminating a series of growth media, jellied compounds filled with nutrients on which bacteria generally thrived: horse blood agar, sheep blood agar, simplex, chocolate agar, and many others.

We sit transfixed before the Tube Almighty, lulled into false Nirvana by a stupefying Combination of pernicious banality and blather while innocuous cathode rays transform our healthy gray cells into Jellied veal!

He held a spoonful of jellied cranberry sauce up to one of the candles so that light shone through it.

There was a dish of jalapenos for Hoke, black and green olives, and a bowl of jellied cranberry sauce.

Tubes belched jellied gasoline, what used to be called napalm, at the uncompre hending Cardassians.

In the Plaza of Broken Moons, once the boutique of mysterious pleasures from whose flare-lit and curtain-hung stalls the late-night reveller could obtain anything from a plate of jellied eels to the venereal disease of his choice, the mists coiled and dripped into chilly emptiness.

Dominica Nosette, whose name, face, and body seemed quintessentially French, yet who was as staidly British as kippers and jellied eels, was chattering away with her partner Guy Pendergast.