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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Irrespective \Ir`re*spec"tive\ ([i^]r`r[-e]*sp[e^]k"t[i^]v), a.

  1. Without regard for conditions, circumstances, or consequences; unbiased; independent; impartial; as, an irrespective judgment.

    According to this doctrine, it must be resolved wholly into the absolute, irrespective will of God.

  2. Disrespectful. [Obs.]
    --Sir C. Cornwallis.

    Irrespective of, regardless of; without regard to; as, irrespective of differences.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s (implied in irrespectively), "disrespectful," from assimilated form of in- (1) "not, opposite of" + respective. Meaning "without taking account of (something)" is from 1690s. Main modern use is adverbial ("irrespective of"), attested from 1839.


a. 1 heedless, regardless 2 Without regard for conditions, circumstances, or consequences; unbiased; independent; impartial. 3 (context obsolete English) disrespectful


adv. in spite of everything; without regard to drawbacks; "he carried on regardless of the difficulties" [syn: regardless, disregardless, no matter, disregarding]

Usage examples of "irrespective".

Samuel Locke, another from the class, was not only the youngest man ever chosen for the presidency of Harvard, but to Adams one of the best men ever chosen, irrespective of the fact that Locke had had to resign after only a few years in office, when his housemaid became pregnant.

Some were large, but one or two--and this is a wonderful instance of how nature carries out her handiwork by the same unvarying laws, utterly irrespective of size--were tiny.

As very considerable numbers of the working classes in Lancashire and Yorkshire had been taught in Sunday-schools, and the Sabbath day was much regarded in that part of the country, the collection of such a vast concourse of persons from great distances, on a day so sacred, created prejudices against the chartist confederacies even in their own strongholds, which, irrespective of every other difficulty, ensured their defeat.

Illustrious Compradore Chen who had commanded them to inform him at once, irrespective of cost.

I set my destination compass upon her--that wonderful little Martian mechanism which, once attuned to the object of destination, points away toward it, irrespective of every change in its location.

Or why, irrespective of all latitudes and longitudes, does the name of the White Sea exert such a spectralness over the fancy, while that of the Yellow Sea lulls us with mortal thoughts of long lacquered mild afternoons on the waves, followed by the gaudiest and yet sleepiest of sunsets?

Elsewhere we have the fruitieres, or dairy associations, in some of which all butter and cheese is divided in equal parts, irrespective of the yield of each cow.

Romantic composers would then be those who have sought their ideals in other directions and striven to give them expression irrespective of the restrictions and limitations of form--composers who, in short, prefer content to manner.

They would then endeavour to model the logic of these processes, irrespective of whether the models they produced in any way resembled real brains.

My denying myself the pleasure of the present agreeable conversation may not be wholly irrespective of your own interests, Mr. C.

Irrespective of birth, beauty, and wit, which was the principal merit of my new conquest, prejudice was there to enhance a hundredfold my felicity, for she was a vestal: it was forbidden fruit, and who does not know that, from Eve down to our days, it was that fruit which has always appeared the most delicious!

But constant liberal browbeating demonstrably can persuade large numbers of people that Republicans are dumb, irrespective of cold, hard facts.

She had never heard of the fate that was once supposed to appoint the sorrows of men irrespective of their blamelessness or blame, before the time when it came to be believed that sorrows were penalties.

As the law, on the one hand, allows certain harms to be inflicted irrespective of the moral condition of him who inflicts them, so, at the other extreme, it may on grounds of policy throw the absolute risk of certain transactions on the person engaging in them, irrespective of blameworthiness in any sense.

Trevor, irrespective of the hard feelings and bad ending to that involvement.