IRAF (image reduction and analysis facility) is a collection of software written at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) geared towards the reduction of astronomical images in pixel array form. This is primarily data taken from imaging array detectors such as CCDs. It is available for all major operating systems for mainframes and desktop computers. Although written for UNIX-like operating systems, use on Microsoft Windows is made possible by Cygwin. It is primarily used on Linux distributions, with a growing share of Mac OS X users. IRAF is installed by default in Distro Astro, a Linux distribution for astronomers.
IRAF commands (known as tasks) are organized into package structures. Additional packages may be added to IRAF. Packages may contain other packages. There are many packages available by NOAO and external developers often focusing on a particular branch of research or facility. Of particular note are the STSDAS and TABLES packages by the STScI.
Just a few examples of functionality available in IRAF would be calibration of the fluxes and positions of astronomical objects within an image, compensation for sensitivity variations between detector pixels, combination of multiple images or measurement of the redshifts of absorption or emission lines in a spectrum.