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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Intolerable \In*tol"er*a*ble\, a. [F. intol['e]rable, L. intolerabilis. See In- not, and Tolerable.] 1. Not tolerable; not capable of being borne or endured; not proper or right to be allowed; insufferable; insupportable; unbearable; as, intolerable pain; intolerable heat or cold; an intolerable burden.

His insolence is more intolerable Than all the princes in the land beside.

4. Enormous.

This intolerable deal of sack.
--Shak. -- In*tol"er*a*ble*ness, n. -- In*tol"er*a*bly, adv.


adv. In an intolerable manner; beyond endurance.


adv. to an unacceptable degree; "The percentage of lead in our drinking water is unacceptably high" [syn: unacceptably] [ant: acceptably, acceptably]

Usage examples of "intolerably".

Now talking, conspiring mysteriously again upon the wall of concrete blocks, and prowling off desperately into the dark of streets, yards, and alleys, filled exultantly with the huge and evil presence of the dark, and hoping, with a kind of desperate terror and resolve, for something wicked, wild, and evil in the night, as jubilant and dark as the demonic joy that rose wildly and intolerably in their hearts.

It was not Attica, it was not even Boeotia, but it was still just Greece, and the poor young gentlemen were bored to a galloping pallor, intolerably bored with accounts of Theopompus and the Molossians, of Agathocles and the Molossians, of Themistocles and the Molossians with his speech at full length, of the Actian games, and even of the battle of Actium itself, though neither Graham nor Maturin could remember which side had the weather-gage.

Though he was conservative by nature, sometimes the snaillike caution of those occupying the highest Church positions irked him intolerably.

Ciudad Real - that forlornest of royal cities - her face wore the pettish look of one who, having passed through great events, having tasted of great passions and moved amid the machinery of life and death, finds the ordinary routine of existence intolerably irksome.

After the novelty of the holovision passed, the presentation became almost intolerably tedious.

In other words, the besetting temptations of many men who are set as defenders of the truth in religion, as well as in other matters, is to be wild-headed, inconsiderate, selfconceited, and intolerably arrogant.

Between them, these two may decree that a fete galant e shall move to tears, that a crucifixion shall be serene to the point of cheerfulness, that a stigmatization shall be almost intolerably sexy, that the likeness of a prodigy of female brainlessness (I am thinking now of Ingres' incomparable Mme.

Her full ripe breasts, heavy now with growing desire, tingled and her vagina was intolerably smoldering from his lecherous manipulations as she felt him maniacally finger fucking her shamelessly aroused cuntal flesh!

The memory of his eggs Benedict the night before was intolerably sweet.

I need hardly add that a situation is thus being produced in which it is intolerably hard to bring up Christian youth in Christian sexual morals (which are ex hypothesi correct morals for all, and which will be lost but which depend upon Christian youth for their maintenance).

So it was the expectation of the sorcerers that the white men would be intolerably tormented when the tiny, invisible but painful prickles got irremovably into their fingers and lips and tongues.

She felt intolerably ill and listless, as if in the grip of mal de mer.