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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Acceptably \Ac*cept"a*bly\, adv. In an acceptable manner; in a manner to please or give satisfaction.


adv. 1 In an acceptable manner; in a manner to please or give satisfaction. 2 To an acceptable degree.


adv. in an acceptable (but not outstanding) manner; "she plays tennis tolerably" [syn: tolerably, so-so] [ant: unacceptably, unacceptably]

Usage examples of "acceptably".

I went gladly enough, secured the new job, learned how to do it acceptably, and was temerariously happy and light-hearted for two whole weeks.

It does not panfry or deep-fry acceptably or grill or barbecue at all.

Charlotte Graded School, which position he filled acceptably, until he resigned, during the same year, to accept the superintendency of the Industrial Department of Biddle University, Charlotte.

When it became clear that all failed to respond acceptably to the standard medications like Prozac, Clozapine, Risperidone, all thirteen had been incarcerated at different institutions, were being steadily relocated to Blackwater as Dr.

Had this been done without Mars and Bellona, so that there should have been no place for victory, no one conquering where no one had fought, would not the condition of the Romans and of the other nations have been one and the same, especially if that had been done at once which afterwards was done most humanely and most acceptably, namely, the admission of all to the rights of Roman citizens who belonged to the Roman empire, and if that had been made the privilege of all which was formerly the privilege of a few, with this one condition, that the humbler class who had no lands of their own should live at the public expense-an alimentary impost, which would have been paid with a much better grace by them into the hands of good administrators of the republic, of which they were members, by their sown hearty consent, than it would have been paid with had it to be extorted from them as conquered men?

He who considereth how great are his own sins, how small his virtues, and how far he is removed from the perfection of the Saints, doeth far more acceptably in the sight of God, than he who disputeth about their greatness or littleness.

She stayed in her apartment, and occasionally some former customer would drop by--someone who had been very young to begin with, and was still acceptably young.

On emerging from the underside of the shield, the light passed through a layer of crystal laminates which produced a scattering effect comparable to that of Earth’s atmosphere but which could be thinned down where required to produce an acceptably localized solar image.