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n. (plural of intervention English)


Interventions is a book by Noam Chomsky, an American linguist, MIT professor, and political activist. Published in May 2007, Interventions is a collection of 44 op-ed articles, post-9/11, from September 2002, through March 2007. The book's subjects span from 9/11 and the Iraq war to social security and intelligent design, South America and Asia, the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the election of Hamas, Hurricane Katrina, and the US concept of " just war". The Pentagon banned the book from its Guantanamo Bay prison because it might negatively “impact... good order and discipline.” Chomsky replied that, “This happens sometimes in totalitarian regimes.”

Interventions (Carter)

Interventions is a composition for solo piano and orchestra by the American composer Elliott Carter. The work was composed at the behest of the pianist Daniel Barenboim and the conductor James Levine to celebrate Carter's 100th birthday. The piece was completed on April 16, 2007 and was first performed in Symphony Hall, Boston on December 4, 2008 by Daniel Barenboim and the Boston Symphony Orchestra under James Levine.

Usage examples of "interventions".

Our technology is capable of more skilful medical interventions than yours.

Instead of calling these exceptions to a theory that would, by then, explain nothing, a more useful method of distinguishing successful interventions from failed interventions is that the successful ones were taken by Republicans and the failures were executed by Democrats.

Predictably, all three failed military interventions cited by Dallek and Jervis were undertaken by Democrats.

For its part, the Clinton administration was distracted by other projects, particularly its interventions in Somalia and Haiti.