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intelligent design

n. The belief that biological life on Earth, or more broadly, the universe as a whole, was created by an intelligent agent (specified or unspecified) rather than being the result of undirected natural processes.

Intelligent design

Intelligent design (ID) is the pseudoscientific view that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection."

  • Educators, philosophers, and the scientific community have demonstrated that ID is a religious argument, a form of creationism which lacks empirical support and offers no testable or tenable hypotheses. Proponents argue that it is "an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins" that challenges the methodological naturalism inherent in modern science,

  • The review is reprinted in full by Access Research Network [archived 10 February 1999].

  • Whether ID Is Science, p. 66

  • Whether ID Is Science, p. 68. Lead defense expert Professor Behe admitted that his broadened definition of science, which encompasses ID, would also include astrology.

  • See also while conceding that they have yet to produce a scientific theory. The leading proponents of ID are associated with the Discovery Institute, a politically conservative think tank based in the United States. — Barbara Forrest, 2005, testifying in the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial.
  • Wilgoren 2005, "...the institute's Center for Science and Culture has emerged in recent months as the ideological and strategic backbone behind the eruption of skirmishes over science in school districts and state capitals across the country."
  • Attie, et al. 2006, "The engine behind the ID movement is the Discovery Institute." Although they state that ID is not creationism and deliberately avoid assigning a personality to the designer, many of these proponents express belief that the designer is the Christian deity.Context, pp. 25–26. " ID’s 'official position' does not acknowledge that the designer is God", "...[T]he writings of leading ID proponents reveal that the designer postulated by their argument is the God of Christianity." Context, p. 35. "defense experts Professors Behe and Minnich testified that ID is not creationism".
  • — William A. Dembski, a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, when asked in an interview whether his research concluded that God is the Intelligent Designer.

ID presents negative arguments against evolutionary explanations, and its positive argument is an analogy between natural systems and human artifacts, a version of the theological argument from design for the existence of God. Both irreducible complexity and specified complexity present detailed negative assertions that certain features (biological and informational, respectively) are too complex to be the result of natural processes. Proponents then conclude by analogy that these features are evidence of design. Detailed scientific examination has rebutted the claims that evolutionary explanations are inadequate, and this premise of intelligent design—that evidence against evolution constitutes evidence for design—has been criticized as a false dichotomy.

  • Originally published in Bios (July 1998) 70:40–45.

Though the phrase "intelligent design" had featured previously in theological discussions of the design argument, the first publication of the term intelligent design in its present use as an alternative term for creationism was in Of Pandas and People,Context, pp. 31–33.

a 1989 textbook intended for high school biology classes. The term was substituted into drafts of the book after the 1987 United States Supreme Court's Edwards v. Aguillard decision, which barred the teaching of creation science in public schools on constitutional grounds. From the mid-1990s, the intelligent design movement (IDM), supported by the Discovery Institute,

  • Johnson interviewed in November 2000.

  • Downey 2006

advocated inclusion of intelligent design in public school biology curricula. This led to the 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial in which U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III ruled that intelligent design is not science, that it "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents," and that the school district's promotion of it therefore violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, often described as the "wall of separation between church and state".

Intelligent design (disambiguation)

Intelligent design is a form of anti- evolution creationism, a version of the teleological argument claimed by its proponents to be science, not religion.

Intelligent design may also refer to:

  • The teleological argument, a philosophical argument for the existence of God sometimes called the "argument from intelligent design"
  • Intelligent design in politics, related activities in political area
  • Intelligent design movement,
  • Intelligent design network, nonprofit organization to promote Intelligent Design
Intelligent Design (album)

Intelligent Design is the third full studio album from the American electronic body music/ futurepop band, Cesium_137

Intelligent Design (book)

Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology is a 1999 book by William A. Dembski which presents an argument in support of intelligent design. Dembski defines the term " specified complexity", and argues that instances of it in nature cannot be explained by Darwinian evolution, but instead are consistent with the intelligent design. He also derives an instance of his self-declared law of conservation of information and uses it to argue against Darwinian evolution. The book is a summary treatment of the mathematical theory he presents in The Design Inference (1998), and is intended to be largely understandable by a nontechnical audience. Dembski also provides a Christian theological commentary, and analysis of, what he perceives to be the historical and cultural significance of the ideas.

Usage examples of "intelligent design".

The Ringwall was at least in part deliberate construction, made according to some intelligent design.

They have no hope who have no belief in the intelligent design of all things, but those who see meaning in every day will live in joy.

But given enough time, random mutation and selective pressure can mimic intelligent design.

The murky haze that enveloped it might easily have come about through natural processes and not via intelligent design.

Given enough time, they can mimic any degree of intelligent design.

Unfortunately, we can identify nothing at those locations which we can recognize as of intelligent design.

It was an accepted premise that intelligent design in nature was not necessarily a product of intelligence, but merely the mechanism of natural selection of traits for survival and really, really long periods of time for the selections to assert themselves.

There had to be a fine line: enough regularities to announce intelligent design (a sequence of prime numbers, the Pythagorean theorem, a sequence of squares, the digits of pi), yet enough variation to offer information.

Canali means 'channels' or 'grooves' in Italian, but the word was mistranslated into 'canals,' which implies intelligent design.