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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1899, from inter- + subjective.


a. 1 Involving or occurring between separate conscious minds. 2 Accessible to or capable of being established for two or more subjects.

Usage examples of "intersubjective".

Further, the subject of the knowing itself develops in an intersubjective space that alone discloses aspects of these overall referents.

Eco-camps completely take for granted, and thus completely overlook, the vast networks of intersubjective meaning and dialogical fabric that allow them to present and even comprehend a holistic web in the first place: they have no idea of the extensive dynamics of intersubjective communicative exchange that allows and upholds their objective web-of-life systems theories, and thus they have no actual recommendations as to how to reproduce that intersubjective agreement and mutual understanding in others or in the world at largethey can only aggressively insist that everybody agree with them and accept their systems view, utterly ignoring how the intersubjective worldspace develops from egocentric to sociocentric to worldcentric comprehension.

By taking the intersubjective space for granted, then the isolated individual subject appears to be having a series of monological experiences, and Grof has given us the phenomenology of many of those experiences.

I agree or disagree with aspects of that culture, I have in all cases depended upon it to provide me with the capacity for intersubjective meaning in the first place.

This is what I meant when I said that structural-functionalism collapses propositional truth and intersubjective understanding to interobjective fit or functional fit, and ironically dissolves its own truth status into monological mesh.

Back to the amoral currents of nature that, however lively and vital, still do not have to construct intersubjective cultures and do not therefore provide a model for human interaction?

Interpretive inquiry aims at the understanding of meanings, whether subjective or intersubjective.

The discovery of the importance of the constructed intersubjective space is the essence of the genuinely post-Cartesian paradigms, from structuralism to hermeneutics to genealogy and archaeology and grammatologya point we will return to below.

It completely ignored, almost totally forgot, its own interpersonal dimension, the dimension of dialogical and intersubjective communication, in favor of the merely monological and objectifying mode, which is also a very hyperagentic mode, in that the communions of inter subjectivity are ditched in favor of the monologues of individual power and agency.

Thus, Rothberg points out, "The content of the other two worlds (the intersubjective [we] and subjective [I] worlds) was increasingly organized according to the structures of the empirical sciences and instrumental or calculative rationality.

This approach is thus still caught in the fundamental Enlightenment paradigm, which it alters by extending what the subject can experience (the cartographies of nonordinary experiences), but it does not examine the intersubjective space that supports and allows the particular subject and the particular experiences to arise in the first place.

This is why Habermas's validity claims are both immanent (contextual) and transcendent (common contextual), as McCarthy explains: "If communicative action is our paradigm, the decentered subject [the intersubjective subject] remains as a participant in social interaction mediated by language.

The intersubjective created worldspace, which itself allows the disclosure of individuated subjects and objects, was ditched in favor a mindless staring at the end result (mistaken as a pregiven), a mindless staring at the monological objects thus disclosed.

Once one has learned to take the role of other, that capacity is not lost (except under the severest pathologies), and so no matter how much the adult "regresses," the recovered "memories" are recovered in an intersubjective and perspectival space, which then instantly and automatically interprets them from that space, and then reads them back into childhood as if they were accurate and indelible photographs of the original occasion, even if children at that age show no evidence whatsoever of being able to do any of this (not to mention present anxieties heavily misinterpreting past imprints as ritual satanic abuse and UFO abductionanother story altogether, and one I will not enter at this point: I am now discussing "recapturing" of "highly spiritual" early "experiences," which are, I claim, not primarily unadulterated past actuals, but mostly reconstituted past actuals).

The imprints, assuming they are there, are run through a highly evolved intersubjective space that can then pull out implications and perspectives that were not present when the imprints were laid down, and this "pulling out" is then mistakenly ascribed in all ways to a recapturing, a recapturing that goes quite beyond past actuals and into a reconstituting of past actuals created by highly sophisticated structures of present consciousness.