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The Collaborative International Dictionary

intensified \intensified\ adj. made more severe or intense, especially in law.

Syn: aggravated.


vb. (en-past of: intensify)


See intensify

  1. v. increase in extent or intensity; "The Allies escalated the bombing" [syn: escalate, step up] [ant: de-escalate]

  2. make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her"; "Potsmokers claim it heightens their awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions" [syn: compound, heighten, deepen]

  3. become more intense; "The debate intensified"; "His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan" [syn: deepen]

  4. make the chemically affected part of (a negative) denser or more opaque in order produce a stronger contrast between light and dark

  5. [also: intensified]


adj. made more intense; "the intensified scrutiny of the candidate's background"


Intensified is an album by Desmond Dekker & the Aces released in 1970.

Usage examples of "intensified".

Her eyes had been open, but now they slowly closed, and she became lost in a world of sensation, the light only a redness against her lids, her senses of touch and smell intensified by the narrowing of her concentration.

She was burning alive in the heat of her own body as the pleasure intensified and became unbearable, but still she couldn't stop.

Then she felt his hand on her breast, and the heat intensified, but no longer from shame.

His arm tightened about her waist to hold her up, but the intensified sensations of being pressed to him only made her that much weaker.

His hands and mouth buried her conscious thought under a flurry of hot caresses that intensified the fire in her loins, pushing her out of control, past any semblance of serenity or decorum.

With relish, he looked her over again, his eyes lingering on the obvious freedom of her breasts beneath the jersey, and to his surprise and intensified desire, a warm blush heated her cheeks.

The emerald green polo shirt he wore had a double impact: it revealed the surprising muscularity of his arms and torso, and intensified, darkened, the shades of green in his eyes until they were the color of some paradise lagoon.

Max took only a moment, reappearing in a stark black evening jacket that intensified his golden beauty.

The storm intensified the darkness, making the efforts of the streetlights seem ineffective.

In only a moment it had intensified to the recognizable beat of a helicopter.

The ache in his loins had intensified while he stood watching her, and he thought about what it would be like to have her.

His body ached with need, the sexual need of a healthy man, and the passing hours only intensified his frustration.

She looked at him with longing plain in her eyes, as no woman had ever looked at him before, and the rage in him intensified because he couldn't simply reach out and take her in his arms, proclaim to the world that she was his woman.

He was causing a fever inside her, one that spread and intensified until she was aware of nothing but her own body and his.

Somehow he forced himself not to thrust, to let her take her pleasure and not intrude with his, and that only intensified the sensation.