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The Collaborative International Dictionary

integrative \integrative\ adj.

  1. tending to combine and coordinate diverse elements into a whole. [Narrower terms: consolidative, unifying; plastic )] Also See: collective, combinative, integrated. Antonym: disintegrative.

  2. centralizing(prenominal). Opposite of decentralizing.

    Syn: consolidative.


a. (context sciences English) Tending toward or promoting integration

  1. adj. tending to combine and coordinate diverse elements into a whole [ant: disintegrative]

  2. tending to consolidate [syn: consolidative]

Usage examples of "integrative".

I am not in sympathy with the attempt to turn back the clock and elevate this structure to a privileged status of integrative power that it simply did not possess.

I will explore this tricky situation in volume 2, and point out why the structures of the centaur are the only ones integrative enough to address this situation.

Ego means the less of Eco, and vice versawith no way whatsoever to consolidate their equally important claims in a new and emergent and integrative growth.

Moreover, I am thus completely locked out of any sort of integrative vision.

I observed that repression obstructs the integrative function of the mind, thereby keeping the organism in a perpetual state of conflict and tension.

If he permits himself to experience and acknowledge his denied feelings, he reestablishes contact with himself, he makes it possible for unwanted feelings to be discharged, and he unblocks the integrative process by means of which his internal well-being is preserved.

I have made repeated reference to integration and the integrative function of the mind.

On the plane of awareness that man shares with animals, the sensory-perceptual plane, the integrative process is automatic, i.

The function of reason and purposeful awareness is to guide and facilitate the integrative process in the realm of knowledge, judgment and the assimilation of experience.

When evasion and repression have obstructed the integrative process, the task of reason and awareness is to remove those obstructions.

On a deeper level, neurosis can be understood as representing an interference with, an obstruction of, the normal integrative and self-regulating functions of mind.

Ego means the less of Eco, and vice versawith no way whatsoever to consolidate their equally important claims in a new and emergent and integrative growth.

An integrative, healing contextualization which we all require to survive.

As I repeatedly pointed out in the text, modernity's own differentiations fell into dissociation by lacking the higher, integrative, and resolving stance of vision-logic (which would fulfill fulcrum-5 and act as the base of fulcrum-6, thus integrating the "monster".

But Palat was the one to stay with you and see you through your integrative years.