n. (plural of institution English)
Usage examples of "institutions".
Harmony is the support of all institutions, and applies with special cogency to the maintenance of health.
If they seek an asylum from these sufferings, they find many private institutions, where flattering expectations of speedy recovery are aroused.
At such institutions, these uterine disorders are generally treated merely as local diseases, while the causes are overlooked, and, consequently, a permanent cure is not effected.
Private institutions, well supplied with the numerous and costly aids to the work of the specialist treating nervous diseases, are now a recognized necessity.
This deplorable malady is not a very uncommon result of masturbation and its various resultant morbid conditions, as the records of the many institutions for the unfortunate class of sufferers from this disease bear abundant witness.
If any one engaged in such business, represents himself as in any way connected with our institutions, he is a swindler and should be apprehended and prosecuted as such.
By adopting similar names to those which have long designated our world-famed institutions, some have endeavored to deceive and mislead invalids who were seeking relief.
The destinies of institutions, like those of men, are often determined by pre-existing causes.
It has generally been customary to locate institutions of this character in rural districts, removed from the advantages of city life, on the plea of escaping the confusion and excitement so detrimental to recovery.
That we keep constantly employed, in our Buffalo and London institutions, eighteen medical gentlemen, with such helpers as chemists, clerks, etc.
Buffalo Medical College, and diplomas from all these institutions, as well as from many others equally noted, can be seen at the offices of this institution, if any one feels any interest in them.
PIERCE has received acknowledgments and honors from many sources, and especially scientific degrees from two of the first medical institutions in the land.
Yet the immense fortune lavished upon him by a generous people he hoards not, but invests in the erection and establishment of institutions directly contributive to the public good, the people thus realizing, in their liberal patronage, a new meaning of the beautiful Oriental custom of casting bread upon the waters.
They stand superior to all institutions of their kind, not only in material proportions but as well in the medical knowledge and practical experience of those connected with them.
These men have watched for the coming of invalids on the cars, in and around the depots, in the offices of the hotels located near the depots, and if inquiry was made for our institutions, or if the object of the visit to the city was made known or suspected from the invalid appearance of the traveler, they at once commenced weaving their skillfully-wrought web to catch a victim.